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2018 CNY Review:
原來我過去兩年都有周年回顧(只因農曆新年係吃喝拉睡的時間🤪😁, 這時候大腦終於有空反思). 2017有很大的改變, 我的作品在大家的啟發之下upgrade 左, 大量寶石混合珍珠, 可以一物多帶款式不停地創作之中, 創作的快樂和滿足全部來自你們---所以我話我的工作滋潤左我!

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I wrote the following blog in my jewellery page, which I could really see how much I've grown up. 

2015 is such a great year which is a year of growth and maturity, I left the 8 years warm house & experienced all the greatest moments also moments I broke down. A year I saw the most beautiful people also the darkest side of human beings. I decided to play fool to those "unhappy events" & continue to be an  "Ar Q" in my life. Afterall, life is way more beautiful if we have a giving, caring and forgiving heart. But do remember all "those experience" because they made us wiser. 

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There's no doubt at all these front & back earrings will be no longer popular in 1-2 years. Fashion style always comes and goes quickly. This is going to be a great waste to my southsea pearls.

Then I tried to switch the back pearls to the front, it works LOL. 

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teamaster 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Happy New Year!!!!

I actually don't remember what I've done in 2014, seems I've done a lot like setting up my brand, website and FB page. 2014 seems to be an extremely busy year where I enjoyed a lot of sports activities and much more fulfilling at work. 

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Seriously I didn't know anything about 10K, my friend just signed up for me and I thought well what's the big deal I could at least fast walk.

I always jog and fast walk but I never run, and in fact I hate running.

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My friend asked me to upload some songs for my 10K run, he says listening to the songs specially the sad sad love songs which we listen to when we're upset or heartbroken, time will pass quickly and you'll forget about running.

I think awhile then being a bit shy of myself because I do have songs of love, songs that heal my pain, clear my thoughts & encourage me to be strong. But they're extremely limited with the number, seems I need to catch up with the numbers LOL.

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雖然中秋的夜晚應該開心賞月,但太多零細的事情在同一晚發生. 例如stall helper 在就來到市集的前幾天才來表示不滿, 什麼貨太重, 不想拉luggage. 除了要對佢百般好說話, 還要想辦法解決問題. 最後需要出動我阿媽去拉貨, 好令她不需要勞緊. 內心雖然煩躁但總算將問題解決. 當然她有足夠理由說太辛苦, 但我想不明白一個9-10kg 的luggage 都拉不動, 那平時真的不需要出門了. 非逼不得已我才不會叫一個外行人來代替我做事, 而在這個關口還要好言相勸, 好像是我求她一個大忙, 而她盡了朋友的最大義務才幫我. 雖然我支持她的工資只有幾百, 但我已經另加佣金提成給她. 難道她做了30幾年人還不明白沒有付出便沒有收獲? 她想什麼我不清楚, 但人是自私的所以我沒有任何理由去埋怨她. 

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I guess to stay happy is to keep the sorrow and upset away, to kick away anger and negativity. Easier said than done, I always believe as long as we're ourselves, treat people the way you want them to treat us. Be true, be young and be naive; be pleasant and generous and moreover always carry a big heart with us.

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pork chop  

這幾天我心情有一些不爽, 事關facebook 日日俾人洗版. 一login 我的facebook, 跳進眼眶的是其中一個點頭之交的一系列自拍照. 有剛跑步的, 有在街上的. 我一向對facebook 上的分享都沒有任何異議, 反正每個人都有他的自由在他的地域做任何事. 引起我的不爽的主要原因是一大早我就要接受一大驚嚇. 她的每個post 一定有她的大頭照. 有汗流浹背再由充足光線照射下的滿臉暗瘡, 有一對大黑圈眼鏡下的大面盆臉, 也有中女伴隨可愛公仔來張臉貼臉的合照.

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一如繼往, 我又發揮熱心本色. 前兩天行完山, 我跟同行的一個男孩B約了我大學女同學E tea time. B 我認識大約一年時間:super good boy and gentleman, very sporty too, into water sports very much. E 更加是好女仔, 不過都是單身了很多年. 我一開始就直接跟他們說我想介紹他們認識, 因為覺得他們應該會可以成為朋友. 兩人反應都很正面, 識多一個朋友何樂而不為?

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琴日原本是去outlet 買trekking shoes, 睇不上眼. 但是經過一間店舖, 一看店面, 裝潢喜氣洋洋, 一片粉紅. 紅得螢光, 紅得非常嫵媚. 我清楚明白: 這一定是今年的主色. 全世界都依附中國去創造潮流: 土豪金, 大紅, 下一個應該是金黃色, 如是循環.

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昨天一班人去hiking, 朋友帶來了一個女性朋友, 一見到佢我吃了一驚: 完全是fully make up, 仲加上殺人不償命的橙金閃粉眼影. 這是我續見人畫眼線行山的另一極端例子, 仲以為佢要落club. 同一行清湯掛面的女仔一比, 佢完全沒有更出色, 只有不倫不類. 我不明白佢的目的, 或者佢一定要化妝才見得人? 假如佢想吸引異性的目光, 相信是反效果.

當然我不是在說參加戶外活動便要完全回歸大自然. 基本防晒保養一定少不行, 加個少少粉紅的唇妝. 這不是已經足夠? 在烈日下行山, 就算防晒脫落, 起碼你不會嚇死人. 

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Actually I'm not sure how I passed my 2013, it seems like I did nothing but it looks like I've done a lot too. Like I've decided to create something for my career, made up my mind to pursue a GIA study. But these decisions're all made up these few months. Maybe I realize time is not waiting for me so I'd better hurry up before my brain's too old to receive new knowledge? LOL.

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I wanted and tried to move some articles from yblog to here, afterall yblog contains stories of my experience and thoughts during the past 7 years. I re-read some articles today and found myself have grown up a lot in maturity. I used to write very silly and angry words there, mainly about my work in the first few years in yblog. I'm glad I didn't change for one thing: still being a funny girl-->thank god and thanks to life.

I decided to let my yblog die naturally because I find no meaning to move everything here, since I didn't write to keep them into a book, they're just experience of my life, and I don't find it necessary to look them back, because all the lessons I learnt're engraved in my mind. All I need to do is keep myself reminded time by time that I need to be a good person, have a thankful heart, and be smart!

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