目前分類:南美 (13)

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I took a night bus (7hrs) from Mendoza to Santiago just in time to catch Christmas in Chile. My chilean friends're already waiting for me early in the morning (like 5:30am) in the bus station, heart warmed immediately regardelss we just went through a very cold night in the bus. 

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I knew I'd ride a lot of horse in Argentina before my trip, and there's no way I didn't try out the Guacho life there. The next day I decided to head to the semi-desert for a whole day tour for horse back riding. 

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I spent ard 17 hrs taking a bus from Bariloche to Mendoza, I think that's probably the most comfortable bus ride I have ever had, I slept almost the whole time except the time for meals, and a game play with the busboy. Felt like floating in the cloud and eyes closed whenever they felt like to

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I'd suggest you to book all the domestic flights beforehand if you have a tight schedule like mine. I had the lesson LOL. I booked everything but thought I had few days flexible so I didn't book the flight between Calafate & Bariloche/Mendoza (I thought I'd either choose Bariloche or Mendoza to stop before going to Chile), originally I planned to take a bus but it came out it's gonna take up more than 30hrs, and it's so expensive because back that time it was close to Christmas. Thinking about my reaction at time, I think I was being ridiculously relaxed because I simply asked our hotel front desk to help me with everything. He did an amazing job of course, called many times to check and quote for me.

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Calafate's just so amazing, you can travel to everywhere from here. I went to El Chalten through the hotel's booking, the van picked us up in the hotels in early morning and dropped us back at night (cost like 100pesos per person). 

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I joined a local tour visiting a ranch, which cultures thousands of sheeps, it's inside the national park of los glaciars. 
Before enjoying the whole lamb dinner, we had horse back riding along the ranch to see the beautiful landscape of mountains and lake side views of Argentinean Lake.

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The main reason I headed south is because of Glaciar Perito Moreno, it's said to be the lowest glacier, only 200m above sea level.

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After Iguazu, I flew to Calafate. El calafate gave me much more surprise than expected, not only beautiful but also classy. People're the most "身光頸靓" among all the Argentinean places I ever been.

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在Frankfurt經歷了10多小時在 -5度的天氣, 數次凍到要躲入starbucks/cafe 飲熱茶取暖. 我發誓以後一定著夠衫才出遠門lol. 第二日早上一踏出buenos aires 的機場, 我的心情是無限感動, 30度的高溫, 萬里無雲, 陽光普照的天氣一下子將我的寒冷抑鬱型一掃而空, 這時我明白我的人生不可以缺少陽光和與人的接觸. 星期日的San Telmo 完全俾藝術家佔領, 十幾條街變成一個Sunday Market, 由本地製作的手工藝和食物至街頭表演, 對一個剛剛落機的人來說一切都是應接不暇的, 40幾個小時的旅途絕對值回票價.對Buenos Aires 愛恨交雜, 一方面佢真是一個具拉丁+歐洲文化的大都市, 望著當地人我以為我在意大利/西班牙, 但聽當地音樂和佢地開口說話, 我明白我在南美. 阿根廷人比起歐洲人更加熱情和樂於助人—or 比較單純 or 有人情味? 保留了拉丁的多情, amo 是一個common 的稱呼: 對朋友對客人等等, 好奇怪因為佢地叫得太自然, 你好難有討厭的感覺. 恨的是我第二日就俾bed bug咬到我成身一粒粒, 最痛苦是一星期後好痕跟住自己抓爛晒皮膚, 而家成身沒一處好肉, 以後打死我都唔住cheap cheap hostel LOL.Buenos Aires 才是真正的不夜城, 無論星期一至星期日, 早上4/5點你都可以聽到開party, 談天的聲音. Buenos Aires 亦是Eva Peron 的城市, Eva 無處不在. 而好似耍雜技的Argentinean tango 睇到我目瞪口呆. 想食最美味的Gelato, 阿根廷都有, 好回味. Buenos Aires, 只可以用 tiempo bueno tiempo malo 去形容我的感受

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亳無疑問, 我對自己別人是大方的, 使錢是一件極度愉快的事情. 除了買左2件皮衣3條belt 1個袋+無數手信之外, 當然是食盡阿根廷美食.
在buenos aires 到Mendoza 日日一steak+empanada. Steak 是那麼juicy +有肉味, 好奇怪阿根廷人中意食well done, 如果你需要medium rare, 同waiter 說"jugoso" 就ok-->仲有少少血水. "Al punto" medium 一般會dry 左少少.

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I've prepared a notebook to write some diary during the trip-->I thought it's going to be a very self-reflecting trip and I'd write meaningful things out of my experiences. Unfortunately I only managed to write few short logs, but reading what I wrote at the last night of Iguazu, I found it quite meaningful although we happen to have this kind of reflection time after time, I hope it'll continue to remind me how blessed and fortunate I'm and to live every moment.

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I've bought the airticket to Buenos Aires 3 months ago, simply because I wanted to go to South America and I didn't want any change. 
Until I seriously started to plan my trip, I just found out Argentina's so widely spreaded and it's costed me almost the same for domestic flights (I flew from Buenos aires to Iguazu, then Iguazu to Calafate, Calafate to Bariloche, Santiago de Chile to Buenos Aires).

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