I wrote the following blog in my jewellery page, which I could really see how much I've grown up.
2015 is such a great year which is a year of growth and maturity, I left the 8 years warm house & experienced all the greatest moments also moments I broke down. A year I saw the most beautiful people also the darkest side of human beings. I decided to play fool to those "unhappy events" & continue to be an "Ar Q" in my life. Afterall, life is way more beautiful if we have a giving, caring and forgiving heart. But do remember all "those experience" because they made us wiser.
Happy New Year of Monkey my lovely friends!!!
記得我在美國GIA 的生活, 很多美國人的logic 是當前的利益。今天你請他吃貴價長脚蟹,送她你精心製作的禮物;換來一句謝謝。下次你吃她一個牛油果三文治他不高興,幫你打幾對石頭收你US$20費用。那時我很奇怪為什麼他們不知道「禮尚往來」的道理,現在我明白因為他們生活在the moment, 「禮尚往來」的道理不是他們的文化。這種生活完全正確,因為個人主義者沒有任何關係壓力。何況你主動送禮物給人,應該保持送出去就不會回來了,期待回報的送禮者本身就應該改變心態。
Live the moment 不是我要的人際關係,我要the future. Let's rock 2016 & many more years in the future my friends!