目前分類:Turkey (9)

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We arrived Istanbul in the early morning, got a car and arrived in our apartment, we booked an apartment in the old town (european side) overlooking the sea and mosques.


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We came back to Istanbul after 1 week in the south, I couldn't believe I've have changed my dislike to like with Istanbul. Guess it's the weather reason too, it's much more sunny and windy the last two days when we're there. No more headache caused by smoke or pollution.


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正常去Efes 都是以selcuk為基地, 我們想對住愛琴海, 所以以Kuşadası為住宿地, 反正揸車去Efes 同Selcuk 是一樣.

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行完Efes, 我們去左Sirince. 一句講晒: 是一個做遊客生意的小山城. 幾條街佈滿賣酒, olive oil, honey, fruit, icecream, soap 等等的攤位. 不同的是好多阿嬸阿婆在賣野, 我估是家庭主婦出來幫忙家計. 一樣口臉: 熱情招呼你, 唔買馬上黑面, 好鬼恐怖.


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Efes 和Sirince 只需半天可以行完, 下午我想行Priene & Miletus, 結果是沒可能的, 因為成2個鐘才去到Priene, 所以 Miletus 第二天早上才去. 就是呢架Ford Focus 帶住我地行左一星期, 身為乘客的我完全是女王的享受. 土耳其地大物博, 一路美景不斷.


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我們由Miletus再揸2小時到左Didim, 另一個愛琴海渡假地, 和Kuşadası一樣: 在這裡聽不到清真寺的祈禱, 只有disco 的吵鬧. 愛琴海是那麼美麗, 一望見底, 可惜充滿香煙頭和垃圾的沙灘令它一點都不浪漫, 人的質素都偏低:店舖sales餐廳 極端annoying, 成日不停阻擋我們去路要人光顧.


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Seems I wasn't writting much nice things about Turkey, well I'd to admit that I'm not impressed with the tourist attractions that much, however there're beauties hidden everywhere. The views're wonderful during our whole trip of driving, we got to enjoy the Aegean sea from distance, it's simply wonderful.


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We only stayed 1 night in Pamukkale, which is good enough to see everything, because it's a very small town.
We needed to go to Cappadocia from Pamukkale, which is over 300km, we divided it into a 2 day drive. We stopped in Isparta (the rose city) to shop rose products (cream and rose water only after all, nobody was interested in the strong flavor rose oil). Had the nicest lunch recommended by the local people, shopped a lot of local products like apricots dried figs, & nuts in local stores. It's actually the first time we felt the great warmth of turkish people. Turks are not so greedy and bad to me after Isparta & Konya.


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If you don't have enough time, you might choose to fly directly from Istanbul or other places to Nevsehir airport, Cappadocia, then go to Goreme (which takes probably half an hour). Most people choose to stay in Goreme to experience the cave life, we did the same. My feeling's it's really humid and cold inside the cave, I had the first time not having a good night of sleep in Turkey, and it belonged to Cappadocia.
Our cave hotel's actually not so bad , we spent a wonderful night overlooking the beautiful cappadocia night views.

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