

teamaster 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2018 CNY Review:
原來我過去兩年都有周年回顧(只因農曆新年係吃喝拉睡的時間🤪😁, 這時候大腦終於有空反思). 2017有很大的改變, 我的作品在大家的啟發之下upgrade 左, 大量寶石混合珍珠, 可以一物多帶款式不停地創作之中, 創作的快樂和滿足全部來自你們---所以我話我的工作滋潤左我!

teamaster 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天睇回一年前的review, 感想無限. 一年前的這個時候我應該是壓力爆燈的時候. 讀完GIA 在為自己找尋前路, 由原本以為一帆風順的開始到後來要尋找新office, 當中經歷的挫折,困難和失落現在想起真是一個很好的磨練. 沒有office 的時間, 我拉著貨去見你們, 謝謝你們的支持和鼓勵.

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I wrote the following blog in my jewellery page, which I could really see how much I've grown up. 

2015 is such a great year which is a year of growth and maturity, I left the 8 years warm house & experienced all the greatest moments also moments I broke down. A year I saw the most beautiful people also the darkest side of human beings. I decided to play fool to those "unhappy events" & continue to be an  "Ar Q" in my life. Afterall, life is way more beautiful if we have a giving, caring and forgiving heart. But do remember all "those experience" because they made us wiser. 

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teamaster 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Same 極品 from the previous article, who I've stopped communicating although she sends me msgs time after time.

She's like never giving up for almost 3 months until she finally realized I didn't even like her and tried to stay away from her after the following incident.

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There's no doubt at all these front & back earrings will be no longer popular in 1-2 years. Fashion style always comes and goes quickly. This is going to be a great waste to my southsea pearls.

Then I tried to switch the back pearls to the front, it works LOL. 

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teamaster 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

I was talking about how the world's obsessed with the Dior plastic earrings, which is having small plastic pearl in the front and a giant big one in the back: http://teamaster.pixnet.net/blog/post/41366812

However I finally found out how to make it with genuine pearls. Have to use giant 15/16mm southsea pearls to have the contrast effect. And I've found the finding with silicone filled inside the hole, which allows the wearer to put on the earrings easily and also the earrings're strongly attached because of the strong attachment of the silicone.

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  • Jan 29 Thu 2015 14:13
  • 傻女

我不認識她, 但我看她的blog 有一段時間了. 由一開始的令我驚為天人: 一個弱質美人居然投資條條是道, 出書教人. 一個人獨居, 生活好有品味: 由家居裝飾到摆設, 好幽雅. 還有美人唇紅齒白, 長髪飄逸. 不就是一個活生生的才女嗎?


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