
I've prepared a notebook to write some diary during the trip-->I thought it's going to be a very self-reflecting trip and I'd write meaningful things out of my experiences. Unfortunately I only managed to write few short logs, but reading what I wrote at the last night of Iguazu, I found it quite meaningful although we happen to have this kind of reflection time after time, I hope it'll continue to remind me how blessed and fortunate I'm and to live every moment.

15 Dec 2012
First day stepped into Iguazu, I could feel the humidity right away, green's everywhere and my mood's again excited by the beautiful nature.

We visited the Argentinian side to embrass the greatest Iguazu falls on a very sunny day. All the falls're so close and we can feel the water flying towards you but not yet enough to wet you.

When we reached the "garganta de diablo", it started to rain heavily, hidden under the umbrella, I face the water and feel the power of thousand running horses towards me. I stared at the falls without any other thoughts in my mind, feeling how small I'm under this great nature, which could destroy me within one minute. Feeling so fragile but yet wonderful, seeing the power of destroy but also hopes and lives, and merging myself into the nature, where losses and wins are just a small record in one's very insignificant life and it's never going to be remembered by history.


The Brazilian side's a lot more open to us, you face the falls directly. To go through the "garganta", you'll get wet completely because it's under the falls, not on the top of the falls like the Argentinean side. I wanted to cross the bridge without putting any raincoat, few people insisted to give me their raincoats but I said no. A couple stopped me before I continued, and took off their raincoat and helped me put it on--->you can't really refuse the warmth and care from latino people, and I'm totally touched. 


Walking on the bridge, my mind's so clear: under the great nature, one's experience's no longer important, afterall we're all going to become part of it or nothing, so why bothers about loss & win--->I'm ready to become the saint LOL.



I guess to live with all our heart and enjoy the life's the only way we should deal with life!

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