I've bought the airticket to Buenos Aires 3 months ago, simply because I wanted to go to South America and I didn't want any change. 
Until I seriously started to plan my trip, I just found out Argentina's so widely spreaded and it's costed me almost the same for domestic flights (I flew from Buenos aires to Iguazu, then Iguazu to Calafate, Calafate to Bariloche, Santiago de Chile to Buenos Aires).

Seriously I'm a bit freaked out to spend 40hrs going to Buenos Aires, but guess it's better doing it when we're still young.
It'll be the first time I stay in a shared room in a hostel for the first few days--> I guess it might be a lot of fun and experiences. 
Nothing really planned detailedly but I know where I'm going.

I guess it's a trip where I'm going to refresh my mind to work and life, I simply need a break to my soul and body LOL.
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