• Jan 29 Thu 2015 14:05
  • 痴女

我很懷疑我有一種磁性, 偶爾會吸引一些痴男怨女. 對男的我一般可以很絕情, 不是將他永久封鎖就是不理不采. 對女的一般比較容忍. 除了幾年前有個yahoo blogger 跟我熟悉之後約了一起lunch 了一次之後, 這個一再強調自己Oxford master 畢業的瘋婆子就天天打電話給我訢說好的遭遇壓力, 如跟某個blogger 的不快. 和老公相處不可以將不開心告知, 所以很想知道我為什麼可以那麼開心. 每次打電話給我可以歷時一小時, 第三之後我永久性不再聽她電話. 她後來又不停在我blog中問我為什麼可以那麼開心, 我都是少理.

去年居然給我碰上一個極品. 其實是一個認識一年多的朋友, 之前有跟她一起去大陸3天旅行, 雖然人很煩但人很細心和關心人. 她好像很喜歡参加我和朋友的活動, 我也樂於邀請她参加. 

teamaster 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Q announced she's finally passed the madly in love period after 2 months of dating life. I was in shock and asked why it's so fast? It's abnormal because it usually takes 6-8 months for this period.

Her answer was neat: he doesn't give her any excitement and she's often found him boring. However she thinks he's someone she can spend the rest of life with because he's nice and takes care of her. I was speechless but agreed that she should grab this only chance to get rid of single life because we all agree that she wouldn't be able to meet anyone better.

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Q is officially in a relationship for 2 months, after being single and never dated anyone for over 35 years (http://teamaster.pixnet.net/blog/post/41162731).

Few weeks ago she couldnt control herself but had to announced that she's finally dating someone, a guy introduced by her brother in law, who also happened to be a gd friend and secondary classmate of the bro. She has regarded him as the most 好人&老實人while at the same time she thinks he's 沒鬼用, ugly & exremely boring.  Mainly because he's just an ordinary technician who's barely making enough for his living at the age of 40 plus he lacks all kinds of social skills. The only reason she's been checking him out is because he's a good man.

teamaster 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Happy New Year!!!!

I actually don't remember what I've done in 2014, seems I've done a lot like setting up my brand, website and FB page. 2014 seems to be an extremely busy year where I enjoyed a lot of sports activities and much more fulfilling at work. 

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Just came back from a 5 day trip in Cambodia, spent 2 days visiting Angkor Wat & Thom, which're beautiful as expected.

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Seriously I didn't know anything about 10K, my friend just signed up for me and I thought well what's the big deal I could at least fast walk.

I always jog and fast walk but I never run, and in fact I hate running.

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My friend asked me to upload some songs for my 10K run, he says listening to the songs specially the sad sad love songs which we listen to when we're upset or heartbroken, time will pass quickly and you'll forget about running.

I think awhile then being a bit shy of myself because I do have songs of love, songs that heal my pain, clear my thoughts & encourage me to be strong. But they're extremely limited with the number, seems I need to catch up with the numbers LOL.

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My friend has helped me enrolled in a 10K running event for next month. We started training officially since last week.

Personally I'm not a person of running, in fact I prefer race walking much better.

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雖然中秋的夜晚應該開心賞月,但太多零細的事情在同一晚發生. 例如stall helper 在就來到市集的前幾天才來表示不滿, 什麼貨太重, 不想拉luggage. 除了要對佢百般好說話, 還要想辦法解決問題. 最後需要出動我阿媽去拉貨, 好令她不需要勞緊. 內心雖然煩躁但總算將問題解決. 當然她有足夠理由說太辛苦, 但我想不明白一個9-10kg 的luggage 都拉不動, 那平時真的不需要出門了. 非逼不得已我才不會叫一個外行人來代替我做事, 而在這個關口還要好言相勸, 好像是我求她一個大忙, 而她盡了朋友的最大義務才幫我. 雖然我支持她的工資只有幾百, 但我已經另加佣金提成給她. 難道她做了30幾年人還不明白沒有付出便沒有收獲? 她想什麼我不清楚, 但人是自私的所以我沒有任何理由去埋怨她. 

teamaster 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

When the whole world is becoming a bit obsessed with the Dior big plastic earrings, I think it might be nice to do something in real pearls instead of plastic since a lot of people have a requirement in their Jewellery. I personally couldn't accept wearing a plastic regardless it's Dior or Chanel.  The luster of a natural pearl could never be replaced by a man made jewel. Who wants to be a plastic beauty if they've already got the natural beauty? But the cruel fact is natural beauty always comes with imperfection and flaws. Does it explain why people are obsessed with the perfectly flawless plastic?


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